Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pomona ‽

What a difference a day makes! The Bunchionary is spreading like wildfire. From Thursday to Friday the number of visits, page views and unique visitors all increased!!! A closer examination of the site traffic shows the usual suspects, except for one unique visitor from Pomona. The Bunchionary Staff is intrigued by this unexpected market for its unique service offerings, but promises that our Marketing Department has already been unleashed to figure out the best way to get the Bunchionary on the shelves in the greater Pomona Valley.

In fact, we have already reviewed Pomona's Wikipedia entry and its list of "Famous People Born in Pomona." We are convinced now, more than ever, that this market has strong possibilities for The Bunchionary.


Bunchy said...

Just knowing that Jessica Alba is from Pomona is enough. However, I was unaware that Pomona breeds so many adult film stars. That fact alone should highlighted by the city. "Expand your daughter's career opportunities, move to Pomona."

Anonymous said...

As a former blogger and the better half of bunchy, I look forward to the successful evolution of this site.

BTW, I’m impressed by the creativity of the Pomona names: Suga Free and Sativa Rose, to name a few.

I mean, SATIVA ROSE. What could be more innocent? It sounds less like a porn star and more like a nineteenth century heroine in a bad french novel. Not that I read such things.

(or know much about porn stars)

Anonymous said...

P.S. On a whim I just visited Ms. Rose's offical website.

So. Not that innocent, after all.
